Retention Policy

The Data Retention and Cleanup tool enables you to retain or delete data from Cavisson products. Using this tool, you can configure the data retention and cleanup settings for various types of files and database entities across Cavisson products. You can also specify different retention periods for different types of data such as Raw data, Processed Data, Metrics Data, DDR Data, Logs, etc.

Accessing Retention Policy –Global Configuration

In the global configuration, the user needs to first Enable the data retention option if the data retention option is disabled then all the fields will be disabled.

1. To access the Retention policy, click on the Retention Policy option from the drop-down in Admin as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Retention Policy Option

2. Once you click the Retention Policy, the Data Retention and Clean Up Page as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Data Retention and Clean Up

3. Slide the Enable Data Cleanup button to enable all the fields to be filled.

4. Slide the Enable Recycle Bin button to keep deleted Test Runs in Recycle Bin for the time as required or selected from the Time drop-down.  By default, recycle bin will be disabled, the user can enable the recycle bin and select the time for how long the user wants to keep the data in recycle bin. The max value of the recycle bin time is 7 days.

Figure 13: Enable Recycle bin


  1. To disable the Entire Data Cleanup, select the start date and end date and click on the button to add the dates as shown in Figure 14. This allows you to specify the time period when the cleanup process is disabled for the entire data. Note that the data will be cleaned up in the next scheduled run.
Figure 14: Disable Entire Data Clean up

NoteData will be cleaned up in the next scheduled run.

Retain Data

Data of specified components for a specified time will be retained. To retain data, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. From the Select Component drop-down, select any one of the following as per the requirement:
  • Raw Data
  • Processed Data
  • Testrun
  • Archive Testrun
  • Generator Testrun
  • Metric Data
  • Resource Timing
  • Page Dumps
  • Diagnostics data
  • Aggregated Drill Down Data
  • Drill Down Data
  • Cavisson Product Logs
  • Reports
  • Config
  1. Once you select the checkbox to Apply Date Range, the end date field gets enabled. Select the start date and end date between which you want to retain the data as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Enable Date for Retain Data

3. Once all of the above details are filled in, click on the to add the selected component as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Added Component

4. You also have the option to Edit or Delete  the selected component.

Path Cleanup

Path Cleanup specifies the path of the file or directory which you want to clean up from your system. You have the following process for the path cleanup:

  1. In the Clean Path, select the Browse option as shown in Figure 17. In this user have to mention the path for which cleanup is to be done.
Figure 17: Path Cleanup

2. After you click the Browse button, File Manager opens with Current Directory. Click on Apply as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: File Manager

3. Now in Time select the Year, Month, Week, or day as per your requirement, and then click button. Data which are older than the specified time will be cleaned up.

4. After this the cleanup path is generated with the required timeline as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 19: Clean Path Generated

Note: You also have the option to Edit  or Delete the selected Clean Path.

Retention Manager Log Settings

You have the following fields in Retention Manager Log Settings as in Figure 18 :

Figure 20: Retention Manager Log Settings
  • Log File Size: This is the size of the log file by default the value of the log file is 10MB and the maximum size user can configure is upto 1024MB.
  • Audit Log File Size: This is the size of the Audit Log file. The maximum size user can configure upto 1024MB.
  • Log Level: This is the log level, by default the value of the log level is 1 and the max value of the log level will be 4.

Once all the above fields are filled, click on  button for Global Configuration.



Accessing Retention Policy- Component Configuration

In the component configuration, you have the following option:

Figure 21: Component Configuration
  • Common
  • Performance Test Runs
  • Advanced Settings
  • Log Monitors Settings

Let us explain in detail about them.


In common, you have the following fields:

Figure 22: Common
  • Metric Data: Time series data used for dashboard and settings.
  • Resource Timing Data: It is used for waterfall analysis for RBU and user experience sessions.
  • Page Dumps: Consists of HTTP Request, Response, and page dump.
  • Drill Down Data: Used for drill down reports for doing detailed diagnostics of performance test runs and business transactions.
  • Aggregated Drill Down Data: It is rolled-up data of user experience sessions.
  • Diagnostics Data: It consists of thread dumps, head dumps, TCP dumps, etc. collected using diagnostic features on-demand or on alert actions). For test runs, it also includes scripts used on the test.
  • Reports: These consist of different types of reports generated manually by users or automatically generated by the scheduler.

Performance Test Runs

In Performance Test Run, you have the following fields as shown in Figure 23:

Figure 23: Performance Test Runs
  • Debug Testrun: Test runs running in debug mode. Select retention time based on the day or week as per the requirement.
  • Archived Testrun: In this, the test run is archived based on retention time.
  • Unlocked Test Run: Test runs that do not belong to the locked, archive, or debug category.

Note:  Locked test runs are never deleted by the data cleanup task. User must unlock it to delete it.

Advanced Settings

In Advanced Settings you have the following fields as shown in Figure 24:

Figure 24: Advanced Settings
  • Processed Data: Processed data is intermediate data in the form of CSV files that are uploaded to the Database. Once uploaded, there is no need for processed data. By default, 60 days is selected as the retention time.
  • Cavisson Product Logs: Different logs generated by Cavisson software like tomcat logs, UI logs. By default, 1 month is selected as the retention time.
  • Raw Data: Raw data is a data, collected from different agents or generated by the cavisson engine. This gets converted into processed data. Once processed data is generated, there is no need for raw data. By default, 15 days is selected as the retention time.
  • Configuration: Currently this is only for synthetic monitor scriptsSelect retention time as year, month, week, or day as per the requirementBy default, 2 months is selected as the retention time.

Click the Save button  once all the above fields are filled with the required data.

Log Monitors Settings

In Log monitors settings you have the following fields as shown in the below figure.

Figure 25: Log Monitor Settings

Following are the fields in log monitors:

  • Log Index: Log Index stores the log’s data sent by the log agent.
  • Retention Time: Select the retention time in terms of month, week, or day.

Account Usage Report

Account test run usage report describes the total usage of the product including: the number of test runs, time of the test run, and number of maximum virtual users. The test will run as per the type of license a user has.

The usage report has the following fields:

  • Test Runs: Shows the test run number.
  • Controller IP: Specifies the IP of the controller.
  • Start Date and Time: Shows when the test has started.
  • Test Duration: The total time or duration of the test.
  • Status: Show the status of the test.
  • Scenario: It shows the name of the scenario from where the test has started.
  • Test Owner: Specifies the name of the test owner.
  • Max Vusers: The maximum number of virtual users running the test.
  • Avg Page Views/Sec: Specifies the average number of pages viewed per second.
  • Max Page Views/Min: Maximum number of pages a user can view per minute.
  • Total URL Hits: The total number of URL hits per second.
  • Avg TPS: The average number of transactions per second.
  • Total Transactions: The total number of transactions per second.
  • Max Vusers Hours: Shows the maximum number of Vusers per hour.
  • Total Page Views: Shows the total number of pages viewed.
Figure 26: Account Summary Report

Second Level Authentication

To avoid unwanted hits on the server, you (with required privileges) first need to set a (6-digit) authorization key (via Admin > Second Level Authorization) that is used while starting a test on that machine and saving the scenario schedule settings.

On starting a test, you are required to provide the authorization key. If the key matches with the one set by the privileged user, the test starts and ‘Test Initialization Screen’ is displayed, else an error message is displayed.

In addition, on saving the scenario schedule settings, you are required to provide the authorization key. If the key matches with the one set by the privileged user, you are allowed to save the scenario schedule settings, and an error message is displayed.

Note: When a new scenario is created, if you start the test without saving the scenario, an alert pop-up is displayed which states that “Test cannot be started because the scenario is not saved.” On saving the scenario, you can start the test. This behavior is valid only for new scenarios not for already created scenarios (i.e. scenario in edit mode).

Setting Authorization Key

  1. Go to Admin > Second Level Authorization. This displays the Second Level Authorization
Figure 27: Second Level Authorization

2. Select the check box and provide the current and new password. Re-enter the password and click Save. This saves the authorization key and a confirmation message is displayed.

Note: It is prompted when you start a test or apply scheduling from the Scenario Schedule window.